Adult Formation

A Pilgrimage for Women to Lincoln Cathedral

Adult Formation
Saturday 9th September
Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln
Video Link

After the great success of previous gatherings we are delighted to offer a Women's Pilgrimage in Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 9th September.  

Join other women from across the Diocese for a late morning start, meeting between 10.30am to celebrate mass at 11.00am.  

We will then have lunch together (please bring your own packed lunch) and then have a private tour of this historic Church built by our diocesan co-patron St Hugh and where he was laid to rest.

The day will finish around 2pm when you can either spend your own free time exploring Lincoln or make your way home.

Please note that this is an event for those aged 18 and over. The event is free, but any donations (which are optional) would be very much appreciated to cover the costs.

Please book by Monday 4th September to confirm your place. We very much look forward to you joining us.

Key contacts

Joe Hopkins, BA, BDiv
Director of Adult Formation for Mission
Adult Formation

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