God Is Love

God is love, and he calls us to love – generously and joyfully. Here in the diocese of Nottingham is an opportunity to respond to that call afresh.

Our Caritas office and network helps the Church here grow into a community of missionary disciples, looking outward to the world. Many Catholics and parishes are already engaged in valuable work. Caritas is here to support new initiatives, and help existing endeavours fulfil their aspirations.

Our Projects

Supporting the Homeless

The diocese has teamed up with two local charities, the Canaan Trust and YMCA Derbyshire to promote World Homeless Day (10th October each year) and Homeless Sunday the same week, and to encourage Catholics and parishes to make a difference. If we can help you and your parish to start acting on homelessness locally, get in touch and we'll be happy to advise.

Tackling Isolation

In our recent survey of parishes in Nottingham Diocese, isolation topped the list of concerns which parishes felt Catholics could help to address, alongside care for elderly people. 62% of parishes highlighted isolation as one of the main concerns to be addressed in their locality.

Numerous parishes in Nottingham Diocese host regular friendship groups open to all, such as Mickleover and Glossop. Some, such as at Warsop and Bulwell, run drop-in cafés, and Carlton and Spalding are exploring setting one up. If your parish has similar plans or would like to be put in touch to share ideas, contact us.

Community Sponsorship of Syrian Refugees

Faith in Families has a long history of enabling our parishes to help families in need - it is based in the diocese and has been working with families for 70 years. As Lead Sponsor for the Home Office scheme they can advise any group who would like to take on the challenge, provide the necessary supervision, support and safeguarding services, and assist you in making an application.

Parishes which have welcomed a Syrian family consistently say how rewarding the experience is. The refugee family are able to rebuild their lives, but the parish also grows together, and individuals discover new gifts in themselves and their faith. To explore the possibility of Community Sponsorship in your parish or wider community, e-mail Lynda Fletcher, CEO at Faith in Families, who will be happy to advise, or call her on (0115) 9558811.

Environment and Ecological Conversion

We hold regular workshops to explore the implications of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si' and practical action we can take, as individuals, in our parishes, and across the diocese as a whole.

We are in the process of developing a diocesan environmental strategy. As a first step the diocesan Board of Trustees has agreed an environmental policy framework, Living Laudato Si’.

Catholic / Ecumenical environmental resources

Here: Now: Us

After 18 months of social distancing, join fellow Catholics to help our parishes grow as confident, outward-looking missionary communities. Here: Now: Us will help you put Catholic Social Teaching into action, grow in confidence and leadership, and reach out to the community.

Workshops are taking place in 2022 and each takes place on a Saturday, 10:00am to 4:00pm. During the course of the day we will:

  • Discover the principles of the Common Good in Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Imagine how they can transform your parish, neighbourhood and world.
  • Help each other to discover and claim our unique vocational responsibility.
  • Develop a shared vision and take steps to turn it into reality.

Justice and Peace Commission

The Nottingham Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission works towards exploring the causes of injustice, increasing awareness among others of these issues, praying that unjust situations might be changed for the better, working for justice both at home and abroad and providing practical assistance for those in need.

The Commission works through parish groups, ecumenical groups, inter-faith groups, through individuals and other contacts. To get involved, please contact Paul Bodenham, Programme Leader for Social Action.

Lend an Ear

How has your past year changed the future? Introducing the inaugural listening campaign of Caritas in the Diocese of Nottingham. Our diocesan network for social action invites you to engage people in a personal conversation in the parish community and beyond on some of the same questions.

Why a listening campaign?

  • Build bridges to repair the estrangement caused by a year of social distancing.
  • Increase understanding of the impact of Covid-19 on our neighbours.
  • Foster a ‘culture of encounter’ to heal our fractured society.
  • Start with listening as we develop the Church’s ministry of charity in the diocese of Nottingham.

Meet Our Programme Leader

Paul Bodenham
Programme Leader for Social Action
Caritas, Justice and Peace

Dr John Edwards
Pro-Life Coordinator
Caritas, Justice and Peace
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