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A group of sixteen keen communicators from different parts of the Diocese gathered at the Cathedral in early March.
Hundreds of people packed into Saint Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham on Sunday for the annual Rite of Election service.
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This Candlelight Mass was part of the Light Night 2025 programme
Father Marcus Holden has been appointed Rector of the Pontifical Beda College in Rome.
Parish Safeguarding Representatives came from across the Diocese to take part in the day.
Dilexit nos - He Loved Us - is Pope Francis’ fourth encyclical on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ
Let’s do everything we can to prevent this bill becoming a law which once again undermines and diminishes the value of human life
New teacher formation programme launching for Catholic schools
In 2019 a group of volunteers from parishes in Derby Deanery came together to offer a welcome to a refugee family.
Our Director of Music, Greg Treloar, is running the Robin Hood Half Marathon this September.
This simple visual campaign draws inspiration from AWN Pugin’s plan for the Cathedral.
Now is the time to get planning how your own parish will mark the Season of Creation.
This year’s pilgrimage was celebrated from 15th to 19th July 2024
The event was organised by the Chaplaincy service to celebrate the arrival of Yunus Bhayat and Theresa Taylor-Brookes to the team
Each month we will visit another parish in the diocese, reporting back with stories of good news and inspiration
Follow along as the visit unfolds...
Each month we will visit another parish in the diocese, reporting back with stories of good news and inspiration.
On Saturday 29th June three new deacons were ordained at Saint Barnabas Cathedral
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Nottingham are communities of love and respect where all are welcomed and nurtured.
Updated in March 2024 to include recent Parish amalgamations
An address given by Bishop Patrick on Saturday 27th January in Nottingham City Centre
Statement from the Bishop of Nottingham on the sentencing of Steven McNally at Nottingham Crown Court today.
The Diocese of Nottingham Schools' Singing Programme embarks on its third series of Carol Services
On Friday 1st December, we will celebrate the life of baby Indi Gregory at Nottingham Cathedral
Faith Leaders across the City of Nottingham share a united message in response to the current situation in Gaza/Israel
'This day...with me...paradise’ Luke 23:43
Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum of The Holy Father Francis to all People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis
"an event of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the Church"
Throughout the day, we'll be bringing you updates and news from St Patrick's Day Celebrations in Nottingham
In 2023, people making dangerous journeys across the Channel to reach the UK are called by various names...
We chat to Ed Pike, the recently appointed Catholic Chaplain for Leicester Royal Infirmery
Bishop Patrick welcomes readers to another edition of the Diocese of Nottingham E-News
Joe Hopkins shares some top tips and ideas for New Year's resolutions!
Read, watch and learn about St Hugh of Lincoln, Patron of the Diocese
What can Saint Patrick teach us about being a disciple of Christ today?
Last Few Days to Comment on Draft Diocesan Synodal Report
His Excellency Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti paid a short visit to the Diocese of Nottingham in March 2022.
The hopes and dreams of the diocese of Nottingham will be brought together at Nottingham’s Catholic Cathedral later this month...
The youth of Nottingham Diocese will fill the city’s streets tomorrow and invite passers-by to light a candle at Nottingham Cathed
Lethal drugs are not the civilised solution for people seeking a peaceful death,’ says Bishop of Nottingham
The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales has said that the Eucharist is a gift.
The Bishops' Conference has requested Catholics pray a novena that Parliament will reject the attempt to legalise 'assisted dying'
Following discussions with the university it has been decided that Fr Palmer will participate fully as the university's chaplain.
‘When I confided with my friends about my interest in priesthood, they didn’t laugh but said they could see me as a priest.’
‘I have learned over the years that the vocation pathway for everyone is different; it is not one size fitting all.’
5 Ways to Celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday (Vocations Sunday)
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (CSJP) joyfully celebrated here in the Diocese of Nottingham
This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday, please pray for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious life.
‘The priest was a very much-loved man in the community … This was the moment I began to aspire to the priesthood’.
‘I feel immensely privileged to be back “at home” and to serve the people among whom I grew up.’
An interview with Diocesan Director of Vocations, Fr Neil Peoples, on Good Shepherd Sunday.
‘I was attracted to the teaching of my parish priest … he said to me, “if I can become a priest, so can you.”’
‘At the age of seventeen, I started to feel a call to Religious Life … I started to experience a deeper desire to pray’.
‘I can’t express the richness and depth priesthood has brought to my life …
‘The priests I encountered, at school and beyond, were very happy …
‘When I look back, I can see how through other people, he was calling me – I just was not listening properly.’
Read at all Sunday Masses on the Thirtieth Sunday of the Year, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27th October 2024
Appointed to be read at Sunday Masses celebrated in the Diocese of Nottingham on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September 2023
Appointed to be read at Pentecost Masses celebrated in the Diocese of Nottingham on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May 2023
Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June 2022; The Solemnity of Corpus Christi
The Holy Father has asked Catholics all over the world to focus more attentively in their daily prayer on God’s mercy.
‘The God who speaks’ is an initiative of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales in partnership with the Bible Society.
This Thursday, 10th October, people around the world will mark World Homeless Day.
“The disciple is not superior to his teacher; the fully trained disciple will always be like his teacher.” (Luke 6: 40)
There is the potential for our diocese to become more outward-looking and missionary in its sense of purpose and direction.
Education Sunday is that special time of year when we celebrate and support our Catholic schools.
It was Pope Saint John Paul II who spoke of the Eucharist as ‘the active school of love for neighbour’.
Our Catholic schools certainly play an increasingly vital role in the mission of the Church
Joy is a key aspect in the life and ministry of one who strives to serve God and his people as a priest
The Church … invites us to create & maintain a safe environment for everyone, responding sensitively & compassionately to the need
We need to listen to Pope Francis, who reminds us that ‘God’s mercy will always be greater than any sin'.