What We Do

We support couples and families by:

  • Arranging marriage preparation courses for couples

  • Giving marriage & family support

  • Offering training in Natural Family Planning

  • Organising pro-life activity and support

  • Encouraging marriage and family spirituality

For Natural Family Planning

The Couple to Couple League

The Couple to Couple League has been teaching Natural Family Planning for 40 years internationally, and for 30 of those years in the UK. Our commitment is to teach you all you need to know to use NFP throughout your life - and to do this in a context which helps you build your love together, and build your marriage.

For Your Marriage

Teams of Our Lady

Teams of Our Lady is an international Christian lay movement that works to enrich married spirituality for couples who seek to live their marriages sacramentally.

Marriage Care

‘We specialise in helping couples build and sustain strong, fulfilling, healthy relationships, and in providing support in times of relationship difficulty. Why? Because better relationships make for better lives, more stable families, and a stronger society.’

The Cor Project

Founded by Christopher West and inspired by John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, The Cor Project aims to reframe questions of human existence in such a way that the divine plan for man and woman can be perceived and embraced in all its beauty and splendour.

For Community

National Board of Catholic Women

‘As a body with representatives from many national organisations we strive to give Catholic women a voice at national and international levels. We actively promote the presence, participation and responsibilities of Catholic women in the Church and society.’

Blessed is She

‘We are a sisterhood of women who desire two things: prayer & community. And we are so excited you’re along for the ride.’

Union of Catholic Mothers

‘We are a National Organisation of Catholic Women, open to all women of all ages who support our aims and objectives in 'prayer, love and active witness to marriage, family and Christian life in the world'.'

Catholic Mothers UK

‘The best Catholic resources for families chosen from around the world and brought to your home to help you pass on the wonders of our faith to your children!’



‘SPUC campaigns to end abortion. We advocate the need for a consistent life ethic – one that values the lives of all human beings - and so we also campaign against other direct threats to the lives of vulnerable individuals, such as euthanasia and embryo abuse.’

40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.

Right To Life UK

A charitable organisation focused on life issues – abortion, assisted suicide and embryo research, working in education, politics and the media.

Rachel's Vineyard

Rachel’s Vineyard is a healing ministry for those who are suffering from the trauma of abortion(s) or have been closely connected to someone who is; this includes siblings, grandparents, aunts etc.

Good Counsel Network

A life-affirming women’s organisation which offers a pregnancy test, moral support, medical information, legal advice, and practical help to women seeking abortion.


Life offers pregnancy support, care, counselling, housing and care for mothers with young babies and children.

Meet Our Team

Joe Hopkins, BA, BDiv
Director of Adult Formation for Mission
Adult Formation

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