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A group of sixteen keen communicators from different parts of the Diocese gathered at the Cathedral in early March.
Hundreds of people packed into Saint Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham on Sunday for the annual Rite of Election service.
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The Jubilee of the Sick, and of Health Care Workers is celebrated today in the Diocese of Nottingham An intercession for use at all Masses will be prayed across the diocese, and parishes are encouraged to celebrate a Service of the Sacrament of the Sick
Dally Grind to Daily Glory was piloted earlier this year and is now available for parishes to use free of charge!
Youth 2000 is an international spiritual initiative established to draw young people to a deep and lasting union with Jesus Christ.
Open your mind to the unity of truth – with St. Thomas Aquinas as your guide.
Practical Spirituality from Franciscan Friars as they break open the Gospel in light of their years of prayer, communal life, and work with the poor.
The Bible Timeline will teach you how to read and understand the entire Bible and introduce you to the wonderful narrative of Scripture in a way that will transform your life.
A Podcast for Catholic Dads
A Catholic Prayer & Meditation App.
If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this podcast is for you.
Daily prayer whenever you need it. Ignatian inspiration, Jesuit Prayer on the go.
Accessible Bible studies from the Fellowship of Catholic University Students.
A great resource for RE resources for RCIC
The Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service
What do Christians believe? What do you believe? What does it even mean to “believe”? The keys that unlock the beliefs of the Christian Faith are stated succinctly in the Nicene Creed.
Saints, artists, mystics, teachers, storytellers and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the culture as well.
Bishop Barron journeys around the world and deep into the Faith to teach us what Catholics believe and why.
Walk through the Mass with Bishop Barron and be transformed through insights on this most privileged and intimate encounter with Jesus Christ.
Bishop Barron takes a fresh look at the seven sacraments of the Church in all their theological depth, spirituality, and wonder.
Free downloadable posters ready for you to use in your school or parish today. - Bible Society
Listen to these new Women in Scripture podcasts and Bible Art Reflections. - God Who Speaks
The Bishops’ Conference Spirituality Committee has created a great new Psalm project.
Continuing our super Meaning of Life series, our 4th article by Bishop David Evans explores how Jesus and the philosopher Edith Stein understand empathy and its relevance to our relationships and faith today.
Alpha is a place to ask the big questions of life. Get together – online or in person – and watch a series of episodes that explore the basics of the Christian faith.
Transformed in Christ is a 22-session programme to prepare 12-16-year-olds to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
Engage your teens and excite them about the Faith
Discovering a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit
Your parish can be different.
We Dare To Say is a resource for faith-sharing groups on The Lord's Prayer structured over five weeks.
What do you believe?