Nottingham Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024

15th - 19th July 2024
Lourdes, France
Video Link

A message from Bishop Patrick McKinney

Pope Francis has dedicated 2024 to being a Year of Prayer. Pilgrimage is a very particular form of prayer, a time when we don’t only speak words to God, but act with our bodies to come to a particular place. Lourdes has been a place of special prayer for over 160 years, since Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette in 1858. One of the messages Our Lady spoke was ‘tell the priests to build a chapel and that people should come here in procession.’

Not only Saint Bernadette, but each one of us responds to this invitation when we come in pilgrimage to Lourdes, and give glory to God through the prayer of our presence. Of course, we’ll also say many prayers in Lourdes, light candles, bring intentions to the Grotto, and spend time with Our Lord in Mass and before the Blessed Sacrament. But never forget that at the heart of our pilgrimage is a form of prayer when we desire to become physically closer to God through coming to this holy place, this Shrine of Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes.

May this year’s pilgrimage be a timer of blessings for each one of us, and may we bring before the Lord our prayers and our presence, as his Blessed Mother continues to invite us to do.

Pilgrimage Details

The Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage will be held between Monday 15th and Friday 19th July.  

Bookings organised via Tangney Tours. Prices start from £819 (by air, full board); for more information contact Tangney Tours, or


Calling all vocalists and instrumentalists... Lourdes 2024 offers an opportunity to join our brand-new Lourdes Music Group. Working under the direction of Gregory Treloar and Chris Davis from the Diocesan Music Department, you will be instrumental in proving musical accompaniment throughout the well-attended pilgrimage this July. Individual booking is necessary, either through Tangney Tours or through your School (for school students and accompanying staff). Click here to register as part of the Music Group.

Young People

NDCYS will be joining the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage, facilitating a group of young people who wouldn’t be able to go otherwise (Young People in Years 10-13 - or college - who don't attend a catholic secondary school). The youth section will travel earlier, departing on Saturday 13th July from Nottingham.

Please contact for more information about this opportunity! If you or your child does attend a catholic school, please make contact with the school to enquire about existing arrangements and opportunities.

Lourdes From Home

Last year our "Lourdes From Home" initiative allowed hundreds of viewers to join the Lourdes Pilgrimage via live-stream and email updates, sharing photographs and good news from across the water. This year it's back, with more opportunities to engage.

Registrants have the option to receive a physical 'Pilgrim Pack' posted to one's own home, complete with:

  • Pilgrimage Booklet
  • A physical candle lit for them in Lourdes
  • A Zoom link for a live group call with Bishop Patrick
  • Their intentions taken to the Grotto
  • Daily updates via e-mail
  • Other goodies to enhance their Lourdes From Home experience

Click here to register today!

More details can be obtained by contacting Naomi or Liz at

Basic Information:

  • Monday 15th - Friday 19th July
  • In and out of East Midlands and Lourdes airports
  • A morning flight on the Monday and a tea-time flight on the Friday
  • £819 - Hotel Beau Site
  • £869 - Hotel Padoue (fully booked)

Lourdes Mini-Documentary: Real Stories, Real People

Visit to look back at the 2023 pilgrimage!

Key contacts

Rev Gregory Tobin
Parish Priest, Director of the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage
Fr Simon Gillespie
Bishop's Secretary, Episcopal Vicar for Catholic Education Service, Deputy Director of the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage
Office of the Bishop
Joe Hopkins, BA, BDiv
Director of Adult Formation for Mission
Adult Formation
Naomi Archer-Roberts
Director of Communications (DCO)
Rev Deacon David Knight

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