
Diocesan Choir - Chrism Mass Rehearsal

Sunday 26th March
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Rehearsal: Sunday 26th March (2PM - 5PM), St Barnabas’ Cathedral Nottingham NG1 5AE

Chrism Mass: Wednesday 5th April (rehearsal 10:00AM, Mass 11:30AM), St Barnabas’ Cathedral Nottingham NG1 5AE

A chance to sing at Nottingham Cathedral for one of the most important Diocesan occasions of the year. All are welcome to join the Diocesan choir for the Chrism Mass, to be celebrated by Bishop Patrick on Wednesday 5th April. This experience will allow those participating to learn new repertoire appropriate to the Lenten season and sing alongside members of the Cathedral Choir.

Key contacts

Gregory Treloar MA
Diocesan Director of Music

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