Missio is preparing for World Mission Sunday2024 – and everyone’s invited!

This year’s World Mission Sunday takes place on 20 October2024.

Monday, September 30, 2024

This day of prayer, solidarity, and giving unites Catholics everywhere in sharing the Good News of God’s love which has the power to transform lives and heal our world. Missio England and Wales invites every parish, school, and community to join this special event through prayer and giving. And Pope Francis invites all Catholics to support Missio, his charity for world mission, on this special day.  

Every Catholic parish worldwide is called to play their part through their prayers and offerings. Everyone gives what they can, with those in greatest need receiving the most support.

Watch this short clip ‘What is World Mission Sunday?’ to find out why this celebration is so important: What Is World Mission Sunday?- YouTube

Our collective effort sends a powerful message of faith, communion, and hope across our world. In 2023, Malawi contributed £15,762,Bolivia £25,341, and Malta £246,720 to World Mission Sunday.

Supporters here in England and Wales raised £595,648 to support missionaries and local faith communities who requested our help to share the Gospel in areas of great poverty, conflict, and turmoil.

Go and invite everyone to the banquet!

This year, the Holy Father has announced the theme: ‘Go and invite everyone to the banquet!’. Inspired by the Gospel of Matthew, this powerful message reminds us that the joy of Christ’s Resurrection is a gift meant to be shared with the entire world.

Everyone is welcome at God's table – everyone deserves to experience God’s love, grace, and forgiveness, as part of a both a local and a global faith family. God calls us to build communities that reflect his unconditional love, where all are welcome, and where our gifts are shared for the good of all.

On World Mission Sunday, we remember that this call goes out to all God’s people, and we can respond as a global family to the challenge of witnessing Jesus' words in our daily lives.

Play your part!

This World Mission Sunday, and throughout October, Missio invites every parish across England and Wales to reach out to the lost, the oppressed, and discouraged, and to tenderly care for all those who suffer.

Visit missio.org.uk/wms to find news and updates from communities across the world who desperately need the love and hope of Jesus in their lives. Here you’ll also find everything you need to celebrate, fundraise, pray, and share World Mission Sunday with your community.

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