Foundation Governors are entrusted by the Bishop with the ministry of school governance to act in recognition of the love of Christ for all members of the school community and one another.
They have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education, acting as 'critical friends' for the school leadership team and setting the strategic direction of the school.
We presently have opportunities for people to become Foundation Governors in many of our schools. We therefore need to locate people who are willing to become Foundation Governors as soon as possible.
It is a joy and a gift to contribute to the ministry of the Church by making our schools successful and ensuring that children are provided with a supportive environment within which they can learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Information on the role of the Foundation Governor is included in the Local Governing Body Handbook which you can access below. This document provides background to our Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Nottingham, the Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts they are part of, the roles and responsibilities of the Trust Board Directors and the Local School Governors. It also sets out details of the training that is provided to new and existing governors to support them in their role and how to access the training.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales requires that those appointed as foundation directors/governors and certain key posts within Catholic schools are held by ‘practising Catholics’. This document defines what a ‘practising Catholic’ is for the purpose of these appointments. It should also be read in conjunction with ‘Christ at the Centre’ which provides a summary of why the Church provides Catholic schools.
It has been approved for use in the Diocese of Nottingham by Rt Rev Patrick McKinney STL, Bishop of Nottingham.