Welcome to The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

Our diocese is a network of disciples, sharing the message and love of Jesus.

Welcome to The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

Our diocese is a network of disciples, sharing the message and love of Jesus.

Welcome to The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

Our diocese is a network of disciples, sharing the message and love of Jesus.

Welcome to The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

Our diocese is a network of disciples, sharing the message and love of Jesus.

Welcome to The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham

Our diocese is a network of disciples, sharing the message and love of Jesus.

Jubilee Year
Jubilee Year
Find everything, from people to places and more.
News and stories from our Diocese.
Upcoming events, courses, and more.
Curated collections of tools for mission.

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A Missionary Diocese

Through offering our support, we enable our people and our communities to grow, to become missionary and to thrive. We are working towards all of our churches becoming outward-looking churches.

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Finding Your Vocation

All God’s people are called to holiness, and that holiness is available to all in and through their particular vocations. At its heart, a vocation is a call from God to love and serve Him and His people.

Our Departments

Explore the works and ministries of our diocese

Admin, Finance, & Property

Practical help for the communities in our diocese


Caring for our history

Chancery & Tribunal

Dispensations & permissions to enable couples to marry

Clergy Formation & Wellbeing

Supporting and forming our clergy


Many works, one mission


Supporting our departments and responding to the media

Education Service

Enabling all our Catholic schools to thrive

Formation for Mission

Supporting continued spiritual growth and local mission


Supporting Catholic music


Safeguarding the vulnerable


Living out God’s calling for your life

Youth Service

Opportunities for young people to discover the faith